
产品编号 : 1135

惠享·新疆戈壁游轮高品质15日游 (乌鲁木齐、天池、喀什、石河子、库尔勒、喀纳斯、禾木等) Enjoy the High-Quality 15-Day Tour of Xinjiang Gobi by Cruise (Urumqi, Tianchi, Kashgar, Shihezi, Korla, Kanas, Hemu, etc.)

设计理念:圆一场穿越天山,纵贯南北疆的旅游梦,让旅行变得简单幸福;定制专列:新疆唯一贯穿南北疆全景的火车环线游,双层软卧包厢,车随人走,全程不换铺,火车+汽车 黄金线路,为你抛开 5000 公里的戈壁车程,舒适安全;精华景点:天山天池、火焰山、天山神秘大峡谷、卡拉库里湖、艾提乃尔清真寺、博斯腾湖、那拉提景区、赛里木湖、喀纳斯景区、禾木景区、五彩滩等精华景点一网打尽;



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Design Concept:Fulfill the travel dream of crossing the Tianshan Mountains and traversing the northern and southern regions of Xinjiang, making travel simple and enjoyable.

定制专列:新疆唯一贯穿南北疆全景的火车环线游,双层软卧包厢,车随人走,全程不换铺,火车+汽车 黄金线路,为你抛开 5000 公里的戈壁车程,舒适安全!

Customized Special Train:It is the only train loop tour in Xinjiang that runs through the panoramic views of both the northern and southern parts of Xinjiang.With double-decker soft sleeper compartments, the train follows the passengers and there's no need to change beds throughout the whole journey. The golden route combining trains and buses helps you avoid the 5,000-kilometer Gobi drive, ensuring comfort and safety!


Highlighted Scenic Spots:Cover all the must-see scenic spots at one stroke, such as Tianchi Lake on the Tianshan Mountains, Flaming Mountain, Mysterious Grand Canyon of the Tianshan Mountains, Karakul Lake, Id Kah Mosque, Bosten Lake, Nalati Scenic Area, Sayram Lake, Kanas Scenic Area, Hemu Scenic Area and Colorful Beach.


Exclusive Guide: Verified through multiple route inspections, with an exclusive gameplay guide and a painstakingly presented classic.



Integrity Promise: Pure quality travel without shopping, no traps and no extra consumption during the trip.

行程安排 打印行程

D1抵达乌鲁木齐 Arrive in Urumqi

早餐: 敬请自理 午餐: 敬请自理 晚餐: 敬请自理
住宿: 乌鲁木齐 Urumqi


Welcome to Xinjiang, the land of fruits, melons, singing and dancing. We have arranged a punctual and efficient airport pick-up service for you to ensure that you can arrive at the hotel safely. After checking in, you can visit around the urban area on your own. Wish you a pleasant trip!

D2乌鲁木齐-天池-吐鲁番 Urumqi - Tianchi - Turpan

早餐: 酒店含早 Breakfast included 午餐: 团队餐 Team meal 晚餐: 团队餐 Team meal
住宿: 吐鲁番 Turpan


【Highlights of Today】Appreciate the beauty of alpine lakes and experience the majesty of Ferghana horses.

D3吐鲁番-火焰山-坎儿井-葡萄沟-库车 Turpan - Flaming Mountains - Karez Well - Grape Valley - Kuqa

早餐: 酒店含早 Breakfast included 午餐: 团队餐 Team meal 晚餐: 团队餐 Team meal
住宿: 火车专列 Special train


Highlights of TodayFulfill the dream of journeying like in "Journey to the West", retrace the path of Xuanzang, and experience the unique charm of the Uyghur ethnic group.

D4库车-天山神秘大峡谷-库车王府-喀什 Kuqa - Mysterious Grand Canyon of Tianshan - Kuqa Royal Palace - Kashgar

早餐: 酒店含早 Breakfast included 午餐: 团队餐 Team meal 晚餐: 敬请自理
住宿: 火车专列 Special train


Highlights of TodayVisit the ancient city of Kucha in the Qiuci region and admire the wonderful spectacle of the Yardang landform in the sacred Tianshan Mountains.

D5喀什-卡拉库里湖-喀什 Kashgar - Karakul Lake - Kashgar.

早餐: 酒店含早 Breakfast included 午餐: 团队餐 Team meal 晚餐: 敬请自理
住宿: 喀什 Kashgar


Highlights of TodayOn the Pamir Plateau, visit the sacred iceberg lake, tour the hometown of the most beautiful ethnic group - the Tajik ethnic group, experience the culture of Xinjiang night markets and taste various ethnic cuisines.

D6喀什-和田-艾提乃尔清真寺-库尔勒 Kashgar - Hotan - Id Kah Mosque - Korla

早餐: 酒店含早 Breakfast included 午餐: 团队餐 Team meal 晚餐: 敬请自理
住宿: 火车专列 Special train


Highlights of TodayVisit the Id Kah Mosque and experience the artistic charm of ancient Xinjiang architecture. Take a stroll in the Kashgar Ancient Town where the ancient residents gather and appreciate the most primitive Uyghur ethnic customs;appreciate Hetian jade, the "national jade" of China

D7库尔勒-罗布人村寨-博斯腾湖-石河子 Korla - Luobu People's Village - Bosten Lake - Shihezi

早餐: 酒店含早 Breakfast included 午餐: 团队餐 Team meal 晚餐: 团队餐 Team meal
住宿: 石河子 Shihezi


【Highlights of Today】Visit the Lop Nur Village, the only kingdom that has not disappeared in the desert, and appreciate the mysterious ancient Western Region culture; Take a stroll along the Peacock River in Korla and experience the unique cultural landscape.

D8石河子市内 In Shihezi City

早餐: 敬请自理 午餐: 团队餐 Team meal 晚餐: 敬请自理
住宿: 石河子 Shihezi


Today's HighlightsVisit the Military Reclamation Museum to experience the time-honored red genes and carry forward the indomitable and pioneering spirit of the corps. Tour the Monument to Premier Zhou Enlai and feel the unyielding spirit and thoughts of Premier Zhou.

D9石河子-怪石峪-古道温泉-博乐/双河 Shihezi - Grotesque Stone Valley - Ancient Road Hot Spring - Bole/Shuanghe

早餐: 酒店含早 Breakfast included 午餐: 团队餐 Team meal 晚餐: 团队餐 Team meal
住宿: 博乐/双河 Bole/Shuanghe


Highlights of TodayExperience the world's largest granite porphyry strange rock group and enjoy the warmth of the Ancient Road Hot Spring.

D10双河-赛里木湖-惠远古城-霍尔果斯口岸-伊宁 Shuanghe - Sayram Lake - Huiyuan Ancient City - Horgos Port - Yining

早餐: 酒店含早 Breakfast included 午餐: 团队餐 Team meal 晚餐: 团队餐 Team meal
住宿: 伊宁 Yining


【Highlights of Today】Appreciate the blue color of Sayram Lake, enjoy a panoramic tour around the lake for 80 kilometers, and experience the rich ethnic flavor of the Uyghur people;Experience the aromatic culture, visit the historical remains of the capital of the Western Regions, and witness the national unity.

D11伊宁-那拉提-北屯 Yining - Nalati - Beitun

早餐: 酒店含早 Breakfast included 午餐: 团队餐 Team meal 晚餐: 敬请自理
住宿: 火车专列 Special train


Today's HighlightsGo deep into Nalati which enjoys the reputation of "Three sides of green mountains are like emeralds, and rivers crisscross like jade belts around its waist". Experience the Kazakh grassland culture.

D12北屯-西海景区-185团白沙湖-哈巴河/185团 Beitun - West Sea Scenic Area - White Sand Lake in Regiment 185 - Habahe/Regiment 185.

早餐: 酒店含早 Breakfast included 午餐: 团队餐 Team meal 晚餐: 敬请自理
住宿: 185团 Regiment 185

【今日亮点】沙漠之中的绿洲、塞北小江南-- 185 团白沙湖

Highlights of TodayAn oasis in the desert, known as the "Jiangnan in the North of the Great Wall" - the White Sand Lake in the 185th Regiment

D13哈巴河-喀纳斯-布尔津 Habahe - Kanas - Burqin

早餐: 酒店含早 Breakfast included 午餐: 敬请自理 晚餐: 团队餐 Team meal
住宿: 布尔津 Burqin


Highlight of the DayKanas with Swiss scenery, where the beautiful lake and mountains are a feast for the eyes.

D14布尔津-禾木-五彩滩-乌鲁木齐 Burqin - Hemu - Colorful Beach - Urumqi.

早餐: 酒店含早 Breakfast included 午餐: 团队餐 Team meal 晚餐: 团队餐 Team meal
住宿: 火车专列 Special train


【Highlights of Today】The Hemu Scenic Area, known as the "Back Garden of God", and the Five-color Beach where "two different worlds are separated by a river", are perfect places to photograph the beautiful sunset scenery.

D15乌鲁木齐-返程 Urumqi - Return trip

早餐: 酒店含早 Breakfast included 午餐: 敬请自理 晚餐: 敬请自理


We will arrange the airport drop-off service according to your flight information to ensure that you can arrive at your warm home on time and safely, thus ending this pleasant trip to Xinjiang! Xinjiang is looking forward to your next visit!



1. 新疆属于西北地区,经济较内地有所差别,所以吃住行较内地有所差异。敬请谅解。

2. 新疆与内地时差两小时,但全疆均使用北京时间作息;新疆休息时间为晚上2400左右,早上上班时间为1000左右。

3. 早晚温差较大,温差最大可在20度左右,晚上睡觉时应将空调开到适度,不要过凉或睡觉时不盖棉被,造成身体不适。

4. 因新疆地域辽阔,坐车时间较长,在很多情况下,须旅游者下车行走或亲自体验骑马、骑骆驼的乐趣。所以一双合适的鞋显得尤为重要。

5. 新疆气温虽较内地略低,但因新疆很多地区海拔较高,紫外线照射强烈。所以旅游者应准备充足有效的防晒品,同时配备清热、解渴、滋润的药物或冲剂,如夏桑菊冲剂等,以免一时难以承受过于干燥和酷热的气候。如是有晕车的旅客请自备晕车药。

6. 在新疆旅游,因行程较长,气候差别较大,旅游者一时难以适应,可能会出现水土不服症状,旅游者应携带有关药物及一些常备药物,如创可贴、感冒药或治疗肠胃不适药物等。

7. 新疆是水果之乡,到新疆吃水果是一大乐事,但千万不要在吃完水果后再喝热茶水,以免引起腹泻。

8. 新疆的大部分地区计量单位为公斤(南疆和田除外),在巴扎(集市)购买旅游纪念品时,请在确定购买后再进行讨价还价。不严肃的讨价还价行为会招致卖方的不满。如果交易不成,也请注意文明礼貌。


(1) Xinjiang belongs to the northwest region of China and its economy is somewhat different from that of the inland areas. Therefore, there are differences in food, accommodation and transportation compared with the inland areas. Your understanding is highly appreciated.

(2) There is a two-hour time difference between Xinjiang and the inland areas. However, the whole region of Xinjiang uses Beijing Time for daily schedules. The resting time in Xinjiang is around 24:00 at night and the working time in the morning is around 10:00.

(3) The temperature difference between morning and evening is relatively large, with the maximum difference reaching around 20 degrees Celsius. When sleeping at night, set the air conditioner to an appropriate temperature. Don't make it too cold or sleep without covering yourself with a quilt, which may cause physical discomfort.

(4) Due to the vast territory of Xinjiang, the time spent in the vehicle is usually long. In many cases, tourists need to get off the vehicle to walk around or experience the fun of horse riding or camel riding by themselves. So a pair of suitable shoes is particularly important.

(5) Although the temperature in Xinjiang is slightly lower than that in the inland areas, many regions in Xinjiang have relatively high altitudes and strong ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, tourists should prepare sufficient and effective sunscreen products. Meanwhile, they should also bring drugs or granules that can clear away heat, relieve thirst and moisten the body, such as Xiashangju Granules, etc., so as to avoid being unable to bear the overly dry and hot climate for a while. If you are prone to motion sickness, please bring your own motion sickness medicine.

(6) When traveling in Xinjiang, due to the long itinerary and large climate differences, tourists may experience symptoms of being unaccustomed to the local environment for a while. Tourists should bring relevant drugs as well as some commonly used medicines, such as Band-Aids, cold medicines or drugs for treating gastrointestinal discomfort, etc.

(7) Xinjiang is known as the land of fruits. Eating fruits in Xinjiang is a great pleasure. However, never drink hot tea after eating fruits to avoid getting diarrhea.

(8) In most areas of Xinjiang, the unit of measurement is kilograms (except Hetian in southern Xinjiang). When bargaining for tourist souvenirs at the bazaar (market), please start bargaining after you have decided to make a purchase. Irresponsible bargaining behavior may cause dissatisfaction among the sellers. If the deal doesn't go through, please also pay attention to being civilized and polite.



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